Zooko Wilcox — O'Hearn | Cryptotox

Zooko Wilcox — O'Hearn

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Age: 44 years

Place of residence: Arizona, USA

Activities: cryptologist, hacker, developer, computer security specialist, founder of Zcash

Fame to Zuko Wilcox O’Hern came after the release of the project Tahoe Least-Authority File Store, which is a special file system with a high level of security. Currently actively engaged in the development of network protocols, as well as the development of the project Zcash.

"My life is like a New York Times correspondent: I am always in the shadow of the war on terror."

Zuko himself is a fighter for the confidentiality of data that constantly emphasizes on the pages of their social networks. He actively participates in conferences on the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

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