Emin Gün Sirer | Cryptotox

Emin Gün Sirer

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Place of residence: New York, USA

Activity: professor, blockchain activist, developer, programmer

Turkish-American programmer. Computer science teacher at Cornell University. He has the title of professor. Widely known for its peer-to-peer development. He became one of the first blokchain figures who pointed out the presence of fundamental errors in The DAO.

“It is unlikely that the engineering community is divided into opposing camps about which bridges are better. More mature disciplines have long recognized that technical solutions require a scientific process, and have developed internal processes for discussion and conflict management. But in the cryptocurrency conflicts are widespread. Probably, to some extent this is due to the fact that money and investors are in the first place. However, the lack of clear vision is crucial. For some reason, many people believe that this is a zero-sum game: crypto-hooliganism, attacks on dissent and competing coins. ”

Emin took the position of criticism for a huge number of projects. So, the last loud statements were sent to the Bancor project, which in the course of its ICO managed to get a large amount. The professor found errors in his code.


Sirer attended high-school at Robert College, received his undergraduate degree at Princeton University, and finished his graduate studies at the University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering in 2002 under the supervision of Brian N. Bershad.


Before becoming a professor at Cornell University Sirer worked at AT&T Bell Labs on Plan 9, at DEC SRC, and at NEC.

Sirer is best known for his contributions to operating systems and distributed systems. He developed the SPIN (operating system), where the implementation and interface of an operating system could be modified safely at run-time by type-safe extension code. He also led the Nexus OS effort, where he developed new techniques for attesting to, and reasoning about, the semantic properties of remote programs. His Karma system, published in 2003, is the first cryptocurrency that uses a distributed mint based on proof-of-work.

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