Don Tapscott

Age: 70 years old

Place of residence: Toronto, Canada

Activity: CEO of The Tapscott Group, leader of Global Solution Networks


As the founder of a research institute, Don Tapscott earned the title of one of the most respected financial advisors. At the moment, he is a popular researcher and author of scientific literature about the blockchain (several books were published in collaboration with his son, Alex Tapscott).

“For the first time in history, people all over the world can trust each other and make transactions directly. Trust is not created by a large institution, it is created by cooperation, cryptography and a smart code. ”

He is a doctor of law. Combines educational activities with the career of a financial consultant, as well as an adviser on the development of the financial sector at the state level. Don's consultation on the further development of the project on the blockchain can be equated with further success.