Justin Newton

Age: 47 years old

Location: Los Angeles, United States

Activity: engineer, co-founder and CEO of Netka

Website: https://www.netki.com/

Co-founder and CEO Netts, dealing with cryptocurrency security. The company has simplified the perception of wallets, allowed to replace the code with familiar words and a sequence of characters. This was a possible success. The previous four companies: AboveNet, NetZero / United Online, Demand Media and Blackline Systems, which he managed, total a total of over $ 1 billion. Founder of the ISP Consortium.

"Bitcoin brought me the same feelings as the early days of the Internet."
"What we are doing now in the field of technology, it would not so long be like science fiction."

Justin is currently participating in the Industry Legal / Authority Working Group / Blockchain Law Enforcement Alliance and the State Legislative Working Group in the US Digital Commerce Chamber. He also serves on the board of directors of Adra Match Software. Oorosh is familiar with Charlie Schrem. GoGa projects now serve more than $ 1.5 billion of client assets.