John Velissarios

Age: 47 years old

Place of residence: London, UK

Activity: software engineer, founder of Armory Enterprise Security LLC


Managing Director of Accenture Working Group - Global Blockchain Technology Lead, the largest consulting firm in the world. Former CEO, Co-Founder, Armory Enterprise Security LLC, a security and storage business for cryptocurrencies, and Head of PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has three higher educations: electronic technologies, information systems, cryptography.

"I grew up with banking, so it's in my blood."

John is a full founder of the Institute of Information Security Professionals, IISP - M.Inst.ISP. He regularly speaks at various conferences related to cryptocurrency, information security, and provides advice to companies working with blockchain technology. Published many publications on his own behalf. He holds a small bitcoin farm under the table in order to make it easier for children to explain what their father does.