Paul Snow

Age 60 years old

Place of residence: Austin, USA

Activity: software engineer, entrepreneur


President and Founder of the Texas Bitcoin Association. The CEO of cryptocurrency security project Factom, the founder of DTRules, simultaneously participates in four other blockchain startups.

“I am pleased to say that I first acquired bitcoin at 77 cents in 2011, but I regret only that I did not buy enough. Later, I observed regular growth and then said to myself: “I really must understand what it is (bitcoin).”

According to Paul Snow, after he acquired the PTS, he forgot about them until 2013, and when he realized that he had a whole fortune, he began to discuss with his wife the tests of ASIC chips and propaganda among citizens. Organizer of many cryptocurrency educational activities, promotions, meetings and demonstrations. Surrounding highlight his high education, creativity and performance in many areas. The stock of his bitcoins is unknown, but previously the assets of his companies are estimated at several hundred million dollars.