Alexander Ivanov

Place of residence: Zug, Switzerland

Activity: founder of the project Waves

The founder of the Waves platform is actively involved in the development of the blockchain industry. At the moment, he and his team are working on a platform for the legal support of ICO launches in Russia. Personally promotes his project, taking part in various conferences.

“We need to understand that here (in cryptoindustry - approx. Ed.) There are no rules, you invent your own rules, which is very cool. It's just the Wild West, but the Wild West in a good way. You came up with your own rules, you suggested them to people, and people agreed. This is freedom in the best sense of the word. ”

It is noteworthy that in the biography of Alexander Ivanov there are several projects related to binary options (software creation). This area is not unreasonably considered one of the most dangerous for investment in terms of the level of fraud, but there is no evidence of Alexander’s involvement in criminal cases.