Adam Back

Age: 47 years old

Place of residence: Sliema, Malta

Activity: Blockstream cryptographer, founder and president


One of the main developments of Adam, thanks to which he received universal recognition of the crypto community, was Hashcash. It is this technology, with some changes, formed the basis of the work of Bitcoin.

At the moment, Adam is focused on work in the framework of the Blockstream project, whose goal is to extend Bitcoin's peer-to-peer security to other assets.

“It is a great honor for me to take the position of CEO at this important moment for the company and help Blockstream realize their full potential. We have a team of the highest level, which is completely committed to building the foundation on which the transformation of finance will be based for many years to come. ”

It is the greatest mind of the blockchain industry. Defends the position of privacy information of users.