${ project.category.slug }

${ project.token } (${ project.short_token }) #${ project.rank }

${ project.name }


@${ project.slug }

$${ project.price }

${ project.price_btc } BTC

MarketCap $ ${ project.market_cap }
Volume(24h) $ ${ project.volume_24 }
Circulating Supply ${ project.circulating_supply } ${ project.short_token }
Total Supply ${ project.total_supply } ${ project.short_token }
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About the project

What is PopularCoin?

PopularCoin™ core POPCOIN™ trading ticker POP is an open source currency for people to mine and trade with a team of developers that is dedicated in ethically working to raise the value for every wallet owner. What makes POPCoin™ Socially Inspirational is how it plays on very specific words that are imprinted into culture, POP and Popular. Keeping this in mind, POP development has been and will continue to be based on a play to those words with POPNOMICS Social Economic System.



This project has not added information about ICO (Initial coin offering)
$48 080.06 $2 285.68
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